Hearing Loss Impacts Information Transfer, and Could Affect Recovery
Home Care in Ossining NY
Struggling with one’s hearing can certainly be challenging. The loss of any of the major senses can affect people in numerous ways. For those getting older, dealing with hearing loss can affect their relationships, their ability to gather information, have conversations, and even feel like they’re a part of something great.
For those who may be dealing with hearing loss and have been hospitalized, listening to what his or her doctor tells them before discharge is essential to the recovery process.
Not disclosing hearing loss.
A major problem for the doctor, hospital administrators, or other support system is when an elderly individual doesn’t disclose the fact he or she is dealing with some type of hearing loss. By not disclosing this, they may simply sit there, nod their head, say they understand when in fact they don’t.
Once they’re discharged and sent home, they may have no clue what to do. They might not realize they’re supposed to rest. For example, when a person has been diagnosed with pneumonia and was hospitalized as a result, they will eventually return home, hopefully. When they do, they’re probably going to feel great, just like they have completely recovered.
In reality, though, they haven’t.
The virus or bacteria may very well still be in their system and if they don’t rest properly, it can become exacerbated, regenerate, and grow stronger once again.
If a person has been dealing with hearing loss and didn’t understand the doctor was telling them to rest, they might try to get right back into their normal routine. If they try to get back into their normal routine, this can cause them to get overrun, exhausted, and that lowers their immune system, thus giving the pneumonia a chance to regain traction.
If a person is dealing with hearing loss, and if a family member, whether it’s an adult child or spouse, is well aware of that, they should make it clear to any doctors or other medical professionals about this issue.
By providing more detailed written information, it may lay a stronger foundation for a strong and healthy recovery.
When information is not relayed properly or is not heard clearly, it can impact the recovery itself. In those situations, it could very well lead to a readmission, which can be costly financially, emotionally, and physically. In today’s modern environment, it’s absolutely essential people understand clearly the information provided to them when faced with discharge from the hospital.
If you or an aging loved one are looking for home care in Ossining, NY, call the friendly staff at The Perfect Home Care at (855) 855-5728. Call today!
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