The Perfect Home Care Team
Meet Some of Our Caregivers
We take pride in our caregivers. They are compassionate, experienced professionals who excel at their work, have impeccable credentials and backgrounds, and care very much about seniors.
We hire the best people. We have an in-depth process to ensure that we hire only the absolute most passionate, most qualified caregivers. We meet with every one of them to carefully screen and interview them. We test them, check their references and do a series of criminal background checks on them. They all have a great deal of experience, but we are still constantly training them.
We hold ourselves and our caregivers to the highest standards. Before we hire a caregiver – and we turn down many applicants – we ask ourselves the most important question: "Would I want this person in my home to take care of my mom or dad?" The answer with every one of our caregivers is a resounding yes! Take a look at some of our caregivers, below, and you will see why.

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Eleise – "I still have such warm memories of my grandmother when she was 100. She was in good shape, but she needed a little help from a companion. The woman who cared for her was perfect in so many ways – she was warm, compassionate and caring. Every single day that I work, I hope to be like the woman who helped my grandmother."
Donna – "I particularly remember one senior, a woman who was 101 years old. She was sharp as a whip and great company. We would do crossword puzzles together, we'd play cards, we'd watch Wheel of Fortune. She was always in good spirits, and we were basically companions for each other. Helping her was such a good feeling."
Deborah – "My mother had asthma and emphysema for many years. I helped her cook, do the dishes, go on errands, anything she needed. She taught me that there is nothing better to do in life than help people. I love my job."
Dieter – "I worked hard for many years. I ran a successful cabinet design company, I ran a restaurant. Then an older neighbor needed help, and I helped him. Then another neighbor needed help, and I helped her. Now I've spent the last few years caring for the elderly, and it’s by far the most rewarding thing I've ever done."
Kadene – "It's a two-way street when you care for the elderly. You help them, but they also help you. You talk to them, and you learn so much about life from them. They've done so much and they’ve seen so much, and if you just take the time to listen, you get such a complete picture of life."
Antonio – "My first client left me with a message that I'll remember forever. I was helping her around the house one day and she said to me, 'Tony, if it wasn’t for you, I'd probably have to be in a nursing home.' I laughed and quickly changed the subject, but that has stuck with me forever. Seniors deserve everything we can do to help them remain comfortable and at home."
Idena – "I've been caring for seniors for many years – about a dozen years at nursing facilities and several years at their homes – and I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Seeing a smile on a client’s face makes my day."